Fun At The Hospital is the first story written by Neowhyachi. The story revolves around Jake, Sarah and Jessica going to the hospital and encountering the hypnotic nurse, Ayame.
Part I When Appliances attack
It was a quiet normal Saturday, well as normal as things can be here, and Jake, Mato and the Girls were enjoying breakfast.
what a great day. The sun is shining. It's warm. And here I am
joined by good friends and having good food. I tell you luck is on my
side today." Jake said.
"JAKE!! Your hand is jammed in the toaster!!" Katia screamed.
Jake looked down and realized the toaster was indeed attached to his hand.
this can't be good.....Ow ow ow ow ow!" Jake continued to scream in
pain as he ran around the kitchen hitting the toaster against anything
that wasn't a beautiful girl trying to get it off while the girls
screamed in terror, though Dawn almost seemed to be enjoying the
moment. Jake finally succeeded in prying the toaster off his hand and
slumped down by the fridge. He looked at his hand which had toaster
marks on it and was smoking.
"Well that sure did suck."
It's on the other one!" Fawn screamed. And the whole process repeated
itself. After getting the toaster off this time it started to chase
after Jake.
Jake offered these insights while running from it.
"It's the Amityville Toaster!! Okay I need a old priest and a young
priest." The toaster was finally subdued when Jessica opened the fridge
and kicked the toaster inside before closing it. Sounds of the toaster
trying to get out soon followed.
"I don't know what the deal with the toaster was but I just know you're involved" Sarah said eyeing Dawn.
"As funny as that was I had nothing to do with it." Dawn said.
"Then I wonder where the mean toaster came from?" Lucia asked adding in her two cents.
"It came from me." Mato said.
"What are you talking about?" Jake asked while blowing on his toasted hands.
"It's my greatest invention. The flesh eating toaster." Mato said.
"Because I can. That's why." Mato said.
"You'd better get those hands taken care of Jake." Jen said.
"Then allow me perform a traditional elvish cure for the love of my life." Katia said.
"Which is?"
"Why by simply putting your hands in this bucket of live lobsters."
"Where'd you get that bucket of lobsters from? It wasn't here earlier." Sarah asked.
second thought my hands are much better. In fact smoke comes off them
naturally all the time. You just can't see it." Jake said.
"Oh very well I guess I'll dispose of these lobsters."
While Katia ran off Jessica and Sarah approached Jake.
"Come with us to the hospital Jake." Jessica said.
"Yeah we're on our way to our annual physicals as it is." Sarah added.
And with that the trio went on their way before arriving at the hospital. Once inside they looked around for the burn ward.
see." Said Jessica. "There's the allergy ward, the insect bite ward,
the energy blast ward, the stepped on by a big robot ward, the laser
blasted by a giant robot ward, the alchemy mishap ward, the smacked into
a wall by a jealous girl ward, artificial life form care ward, ah here
we are Burn ward and physical exam area. Talk about killing two birds
with one stone."
Part II The Plot thickens
As they
walked down the corridor a beautiful young nurse wearing a pink tank top
and hospital scrub pants and a stethoscope draped around her neck
approached them. She tied her long blue hair into a pony tail before
speaking to them.
"Hello ladies. Judging by your uniforms I'm
guessing your here for the annual police and military physicals. I'm
Ayame your nurse and I will be performing your exams. Who wants to go
"I'll go first." Jessica said, "You go ahead and take Jake to burn ward."
"Okay." Sarah said, "Come on Jake. Jake?"
was too enthralled staring at Ayame's tall slender body to listen. A
good smack on the head from Sarah snapped him out of it.
"Oww. Why'd you do that I was only uh…Admiring her as the wonderful member of the medical community that she is."
a terrible liar Jake." Sarah said as the two walked towards the burn
ward. Upon arriving they encountered another beautiful nurse.
"Where am I the land of beautiful nurses...wait that's the same thing as anime world." Jake thought.
"Hi I'm Sue Chan...Oh my sir what happened to your hands?"
"A toaster attacked me."
"It's a long story."
"Well you can tell me while I fix you up."
"Jake I'm going to head back. You can meet up with us when we're done."
"Okay." Jake said.
Meanwhile back in the exam room Ayame was taking Jessica's blood pressure. Jessica was staring at Ayame's outfit.
"I don't mean to be rude but your uniform doesn't seem very regulationy"
"It's my casual uniform. It's casual Friday."
"It's Saturday."
"Say why don't we test your visual acuity," Ayame said, " I'm sure that's important in the military."
"Of course it is. If I can't keep my eyes on the target, I'm dead."
Ayame held the bell of her stethoscope up to Jessica's eye level and began moving it back and forth.
"Okay then why don't you try and follow the bell of my stethoscope with your eyes."
"Alright. This seems totally unsuspicious." Jessica said as she fixed her gaze on Ayame's stethoscope bell.
I want you to hold yourself very still now and follow the stethoscope
with your eyes as I move it back and forth. That's it follow it back and
forth, focus on it and follow it back and forth....back and forth...
Keep your eyes focused on the shiny bell of my stethoscope. It is so
shiny so easy to continue to follow back and forth...back and forth...
It's okay to close your eyes if they get tired... Follow it back and
forth back and forth. Focus on it. Focus and let your eyes close as they
get tired from going back and forth, back and forth. And you can close
your eyes as you get tired. Close your eyes as you get tired. You get so
very tired. Closing your eyes now Jessica. Allowing them to close and
lock tight. Feeling yourself falling into a deep sleep on the count of
three. 1....2...3....sleep."
Jessica's eyes closed as she fell under Ayame's hypnotic spell.
"Now Jessica, open your eyes and obey my every command. You are my hypnotized slave."
Jessica's eyes opened and black and white spirals now appeared in her eyes.
"What is your desire Ayame?"
back in the burn ward Jake's hands where covered in bandages and he was
getting dressed. After all his cloths where back on he grabbed his
pendant in a loose bandaged grasp where it quickly slipped out of his
hand and landed on the floor. Nurse Sue Chan quickly grabbed it and put
it in his pocket.
"Looks like you won't be holding on to this for whatever reason you use it for, until your hands heal."
"Your friends probably won't be done for a while. Why don't I get you some lunch?"
They walked off and ordered lunch.
Meanwhile in the exam room Ayame was finishing up with Sarah.
Sarah you seem to be in good health. Though I think your stress level
may be a little high. Have you been working on a difficult case or is
there a criminal at large you wish to catch?"
'If only you knew' Sarah thought.
"Well at any rate my nursing assistant will be here shortly to help you lower your stress level and relax."
At that moment Jessica entered the room dressed in a nursing uniform. The black and white spirals still swirled in her eyes.
"Jessica? What happened to you?"
"Hello officer. Nurse Ayame informs me that you need to have your stressed levels reduced."
"Jessica! What's going on? Snap out of it. You're a military woman. Not a nursing assistant!"
"You see there you go raising your stress again." Ayame said, "Jessica please relax the patient."
Ayame." Jessica said as she produced a pocket watch from her uniform
and began to swing it back and forth in front of Sarah's eyes. Sarah
was instantly captivated by it. "Yes that's it just watch the watch.
Watch it swing from side to side. Back and forth. Back and forth.
Beginning to relax. Relaxing. Relax for me. Just concentrate on the
beautiful watch. It is a beautiful watch. So beautiful that nothing else
matter but me, my voice, and of course the beautiful watch. Let
everything fade away as you continue to focus on the watch. Let all your
stresses and worries melt away as you relax even more for me. Relax. So
relaxed you are beginning to feel sleepy. So sleepy that your eyelids
are beginning to grow heavy. So heavy that by the time I count'
backwards from 5 to zero you will no longer be able to hold them open.
5... Still focusing on the watch like a good patient. 4... Eyelids so
heavy like lead weights. 3.. So sleepy it's like you haven't slept in a
week. 2... Giving up on any resistance and letting yourself give in to
the hypnosis. 1... So sleepy, eyelids so heavy, wanting nothing more
then to fall asleep for me. Zero now sleep for me."
Sarah's heavy eyes closed as she fell under Jessica's spell.
"You are now a hypnotized slave. You must obey me and Ayame." Jessica said.
"Must obey." Sarah said.
good Jessica. Now then. Sarah please awaken and go upstairs to the
doctor's lounge there's a special job awaiting you," Ayame said.
Sarah opened her eyes revealing the same spiral pattern had over taken them and walked off mindlessly towards the elevators.
Part III Ayame's master plan
After sucking a blended piece of chicken and some mashed potatoes through a straw Jake was full.
"I now know there is at least one advantage to not being able to hold utensils."
Chan laughed, "Your friends are surely done by now. Unfortunately I
must go back to work. Can you find your way on your own?"
"Sure thing."
walked out from the cafeteria back towards the physical exam
area. When he got there he couldn't find Sarah or Jessica anywhere. He
went over to a nurse writing in a chart and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Excuse me miss have you seen.....Whoa!! Jessica is that you?"
"Yes I am Jessica. Can I help you young man."
"It's me Jake. What's wrong why are you dressed like a nurse....Wait a minute. Your eyes, you're in a trance!!"
Jake suddenly heard slow clapping and saw Ayame approaching.
"Brilliant deduction."
"Why have you done this to her."
"Simple really we needed someone to fill in for the position for a nursing assistant after the last one was fired."
"But she's military...Wait a minute what are you paying her.. Is it less. Is that why you had to hypnotize her?
"You could say less. If zero is less then what she was paid before."
"What? So you've hypnotized her to do this work without pay."
"Yup. I've
done that to so many healthy patients. They now fill the jobs that
require little or no special training, and while they work for free I
get bigger raises. Muhahahah."
"Hey where I'm from that's called slavery."
"Slavery is such an ugly word. I prefer....Free labor."
"It's still the same thing. Now let's see how you like being hypnotized."
Jake reached into his pocket for the pendant but it slipped out of his heavily bandaged hand.
"Oh snap. Wait I know. Ayame look into my eyes. Look into them and obey....Are you obeying me yet?"
"Why not?"
"Because I can't be hypnotized. A rare occurrence in my brains DNA makes it impossible to hypnotize me."
"Alright. Then I'll just unhypnotize Jessica."
"That won't work either."
"Well why not. You totally making my day worse you know."
see those spirals in her eyes. Those are kinda like my signature. It
occurs in everyone I hypnotize and in everyone hypnotized by someone
I've hypnotized like Jessica here. They make it so only I or someone
with hypnotic spiral eyes can undo the hypnosis."
"Wait Jessica hypnotized someone. Who?"
"Take a wild guess."
"Sarah!! Alright what have you got her doing. Laundry? Security?"
"Nope something special."
Meanwhile up in the Doctors lounge an entranced Sarah was dressed as a harem girl and dancing as Doctors cheered and Jeered her.
Back downstairs Jake was fighting a losing battle.
"Ah here comes security."
Jake turned around and found himself grabbed by two spiral eyed girls and one guy.
"Throw this dirty laundry down the laundry chute. Then wait for him to return and kick his butt."
"Why the laundry chute. Why not just kick my butt now."
"You see that's why hypnotized people are so much better. They don't question my motives."
that the security detail tossed Jake down the chute. Ayame then
entered the exam room where a patient was and proceeded to hypnotize her
with a pocket watch.
"I want more security around to kick his butt when he returns." She told her newest slave.
Part IV return of an old friend.
Landed in a laundry basket that was over flowing so he didn't need to
worry about climbing out. He quickly walked past the 8 or 9 spiral eyed
hypnotized laundry people before ascending the stair case. He read
where he was.
"Floor B-2 Artficial lifeform care center."
someone called out his name and he found someone hugging the breath out
of him. He knew at once who it was. He looked down at the smiling
face of Yuta the cute hypnotic robot of doom.
"Hello Yuta what are you doing here."
"I can answer that." Barbara Mato's old assistant said.
"Okay spill it."
days ago Barbara, Yuta, and Mato's colleague had gone to an armature
wrestling night since the colleague was a fan. It was audience
participation night.
"Anyone who can stay in the ring for 5 minutes with the terrible twosome wins 500,000 credits." The announcer declared.
"Grandpa Mato could use that money for research couldn't he." Yuta said.
he could. To bad none of us can wrestle." Barbara said which she knew
was a mistake but she made an even bigger mistake looking down at Yuta
whose eyes were already swirling spirals.
"You know how to wrestle now Barbara. Go wrestle."
"Yes Yuta."
Back in the present.
"Did you win."
"No I had the moves but they were still better. We're only here because a stadium hot dog made Yuta sick."
remembering what Ayame said about someone with hypnotic eyes being able
to break the spell Jake explained his situation to Barabara and Yuta.
"But what about those security guards."
"Nothing an expert wrestler can't handle. Right Yuta."
"Oh no. No no no no........" Barbara got cut off when she stared into Yuta's eyes.
Upstairs the security detail had doubled thanks to more patients that had fallen victim to Ayame's watch.
"There he is. Let's beat him up for the mistress." One of the security guards said.
suddenly ran in front of Jake, "Hold it right there. You'll not harm
this boy. For today you face. BARBARA THE DISEMBOWLER!!" Barbara went
right to work beating up the eight security people.
"Wow and yet you couldn't handle two wrestlers."
"Quiet or I'll turn you into a pretzel"
soon found Jessica and Yuta went to work as Jessica stared into Yuta's
spiraling eyes the spirals dissipated and her eyes returned to normal as
she woke up from her trance.
"What the. What am I wearing."
"Jessica where's Sarah."
Jessica told them and they went upstairs into the doctor's lounge.
you fancy pants PhD boys. Clear out or face the wrath of BARBARA THE
DISEMBOWLER!!" Barbara shouted. The doctors soon cleared the room.
Jake stared at the still dancing Sarah.
"Maybe we could keep her like this. Jen and her could be like twins."
Barbara body slammed Jake.
"Ow. I would've preferred a slap."
After Yuta freed Sarah from Ayame's influence they ran downstairs and confronted the evil nurse.
"You're under arrest for mass enslavement and violation of labor laws."
now I don't know how you got free from my trance but I don't care
because I can just relocate. Because you can't catch what you can't
see." Ayame pulled a remote out of her tank top and pressed a
button. She instantly vanished.
"Oh crap a stealth suit. I guess one can afford one when you make money off enslaving people."
offered her an apologetic pat on the back that was a little to low and
got smacked for the effort. Yuta went on to unhypnotize everyone
else. Jessica secretly kept the pocket watch she had used to hypnotize
Sarah earlier. Jake's hands healed. BARBARA THE DISEMBOWLER won the
title. And the Flesh eating toaster chased Mato off into the sunset.
The End.
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